14/08/2009 - 18/08/2009
All Day
Novoměstská radnice
The Prague Shakuhachi Summer School 2009 is an important European shakuhachi event that approaches the instrument from many different perspectives, from the theoretical to the practical, from the traditional to the contemporary. Each day the event features day-long master-classes, a yoga lesson, one academic lecture and one concert.
The event will host shakuhachi players Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, Jim Franklin, Kesuke Zenyoji and Vlastislav Matoušek, who will each teach one single composition throughout the entire event in their class for advanced and intemediate students. Additionally, the respected koto player, koto player, Haruko Watanabe, will be joining the festival from Japan. She will perform at the concerts and play at Sankyoku classes. Another special guest will be opera singer, Nao Higano.
Beginners are most welcome, with lessons focusing on sound production and simple compositions.